Incorporated in the final product Contribute to texture, taste and nutritional value Avoiding separation processes and yield loss Carriers from plant-derived edible protein: low-cost and high nutritional value(patent pending)
Designing a clean meat platform based on scalable edible carriers and matching processing methodologies
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Producing the highest quality meatgrown directedly from cells, using edible and affordable plant-based platform, and in a scalable and sustainable animal- friendly process. We believe that our cultivated meat will provide nutritional security, as well as increasing food safety worldwide.
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Scalable culture of anchorage-dependent cells Protects the cells from shear stress and chemical stress High yields
Using non-edible biomaterials Incorporated in the final product Contribute to texture, taste and nutritional value Avoiding separation processes and yield loss Carriers from plant-derived edible protein: low-cost and high nutritional value(patent pending)